lome marsupial astral cycle


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Contact and AboutSight and PhotoSound and Noiseink & inkWritingStoresplock

this page is being added to and updated in nonlinear unreal time




why not let's us all gather creative potentials
together and make documentation of
music soloings and groups, performances,
and such
we could film such.
Local access (public TV) still does drop offs for film work
plus it could be put onto regular video services.


No stern or heavy footed requirements of expectations
and a creative collaboration kind of thing.

Is an idea. I myself want to put that effort in before I croak and I know you's all are abundant in
skills and passion and it's cool ye and all have different styes.

I mean styles. Styes are those eye things. Not like 'mumps.' Nobody get mumps.

and compliation CD projects.
Can drop them off to
green star, barnelds and nobbels, angry moom,
or leave rogue copies hidden around in dry safe spots.

etc. etc. Have eaten too many espresso ball chocolates yet again so project ideas exasperate.

Moo I'm a cow watch me graze the grass.



This Page is

Feed it fish sprouts
and watch it grow!

Be featured on this technically proficient web page!
Send a photo of yourself with your best fish catch and it could be posted right here!
Must be submitted by deadline of 05/2049


















Memories are stagnant residue floating around the ether
















kali yuga


Kali Yuga

not bored

Kali Yuga









Page 1
Certain Thrill (released 12/6/2023), released as Lome Marsupial. All rights reserved.



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R.I.P. Antero Alli