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Leemonster: Reckless Reclusion (2011)
(Re-Released in 08/2023 as Reckless Recluse as
Lome Marsupial)
song links, right click:save, left click to stream

01. Through These Cellar Doors (3:02)
02. Shake The Stars (5:24)
03. Our Place Is Outta Here (2:24)
04. Trainride II (2:55)
05. Hit Or Miss (1:51)
06. Rain Racks Song (4:25)
07. Darlin' Ms Invisible
(Hot'n'Sweaty Room version)
08. Famous Dead Faces (5:20)
09. Grey Drift II (2:52)
10. Stick To Building Fires (4:03)
11. Flyin' Up (1:28)
12. Mr. Invisible's Crush (1:17)
13. My Psyche Had An Itch (6:40)
14. Cardboard Town (2:30)
15. Price Gun Homocide (4:45)
16. Thought Cadaver Serenity (4:01)
17. Falling Fat Naked Ladies
(Is This Wise?)
*Bonus Song (3:04)













Released as 'Leemonster,' Reckless Reclusion LP. (2011) All rights reserved.
