

Eyelid Blip
Listen to the song here



I can hear your person
I can feel you sing
from 15,000 miles away
I can crawl up
I can burrow down
feeling your echo
crashing this town

Even when my eyes are closed
I can feel your stares
I can see your shade
and ask if you are there.

some make me feel mutant
make me feel outside
cuts holes through this box
it ain't where I reside

Pent up ain't a thing
if you want out, you will get out
I cut a hole inside
in this mountain
you follow me in
and I can't feel your skin
I can't feel your skin
I can't feel your skin
I can't feel your skin but I know you're there
Somewhere here

You can't wipe these records clean
you can't tip over the machine
you don't need it but it needs you
a parasite in of blood in which it chews
you don't need it but it needs you
a parasite in which it chews your blood
Your blood, your blood, your blood

I see from the back of my eyelids
everything that exist
I feel at my finger tips
every touch until it crisps.

A machine that needs you
but you do not need it
a parasite sucking at your blood
a fat polytick

Copyrat/Siamese-wrong/Gather me electric, to carry that song