I would like to, very much, add thoughts and notes about the Chameleon Shelter disc set for the sake of pouncing around ideas that for better or worse relate to these songs. It was important to establish a kind of vortex in a way where atmospheres and destinations could be experienced. And within these songs there really feels to be a total gnarring away from traditional song format. Given that these embody a total chipshot whammed again and again from the DIY way of doing things, and also that this entire set melds as several leftovers and song blueprints from other albums being finished up at that time, I can look back and feel that: 1. The act and fact this was completed at all seemed really far fetched. I mean it appeared to be completely far fetched. Going as DIY as I had, and with technology, funds absolutely working against me, and the idea of any success from this sort of gnarring at me to the nape of my neck, having even 3 of these discs finished seemed pretty impossible. 2. All of the 'landing destinations' or 'stopping routes' from song to song can admittedly be seen as anything from attractive and soothing and atmospheric, to, at times, extremely jarring, concerning and applibly entirely schizophrenic in the venue of sound. Certain 'cues' of a drama certainly coast the listener into explorations of taking sounds, and mostly recycled old demos leftover from the other releases at that time, and kind of playing with all of this putty. Hopefully making formations and tangible sound sensations with that putty, rather than having it merely stick to the creator's hands and having, smearing and sticking grey thick putty everywhere upon the hands and table without a functionable statue or sculpting. Thankfully, and looking back and experiencing the sounds and ideas, some of the success of that melding between soothing songs and then mania and catastrophe and likely madness, demonstrates that the will to create and finish this at all had allowed for fruition even against some of the zaniest and more defeating odds. 3. Replayability factor: In some songs, it may take between 80 - 800 replays to hone in on the "why." There is no sanity about this approaching listening to this aural idea if the listener is trying to hear some song being shaped to actually sounding attractive, in proper format or shapeliness of another even remotely resembling a song. It feels really like the unconscious unhinged as a way to put it. and that is fair enough. Some of the moods and sounds and words played out are so detached from the creator, that an act of chaos magic or being a medium are exactly what is taking place. It aimed for the magic of functionable creativity and those results of taking sounds and forms and kind of scrying through a rorshache approach in many ways, leave the journier through the beauty and madness to a trance induced state. 4. Here are some thoughts about this album series. I considered and took time wondering about if it would be inane to write about my own sound expressions. And considered saying a word about some of the intents and whether they delivered through properly, even in the regards of this album going flat-dead for really ever reaching anybody or listeners at all. It's understood it could be rather obtuse seeming or too far out and overwhelming. At the same time, some of the 'pretty pieces' or attractive and exciting ways which either luck, mediumship or playing the right sound at the right time, makes up for a lot of the writhing chaos and explorative and brash and unnerving sections of that grouped together sound experience. well, you know, anyhow. [more later]